Friday, January 9, 2015
just barely remembered
I have to actually do the math to realize six years have passed since I started this blog.
I left it up as a resource for others and it continues to get many hits.
I hope it helps.
Six years later, I regret nothing. No trauma, no sadness, no thinking what if, absolutely not one look back to ever consider if I made the right decision.
If you have the funds, make a donation to a group protecting women's right to safe and legal abortion.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Again I've almost missed the anniversary of my abortion
Second-Trimester Tragedy
Thursday, January 3, 2013
coming up on anniversary
I come back every year to share that I still have no regrets. No "traumatic stress" follow me. Nothing. I remain fine with the decision I made.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Abortion and Electoral Politics Blog For Choice Day 2012

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Jan. 12-17, 2012. (N=1,154 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3. | ||||||
"Which of these comes closest to your view? Abortion should be generally available to those who want it. OR, Abortion should be available, but under stricter limits than it is now. OR, Abortion should not be permitted." | ||||||
Generally available | Available under stricter limits | Not permitted | Unsure | |||
% | % | % | % | |||
1/12-17/12 | 37 | 37 | 23 | 4 |
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
oopps I think I
Friday, January 21, 2011
Blog for Choice Day 2011
Given the anti-choicegains in the states and Congress, are you concerned about choice in 2011?
Yes in particular as a woman who had a “later” abortion, and the moves by “moderate” abortion advocates to ‘compromise” I’m quite concerned about CHOICE in 2011.
The most likely outcome of the anti-CHOICE gains is not an outright repeal of Roe, which would no doubt galvanize pro-CHOICE people the way the Webster decision did in the late eighties, but rather a gradual restriction to the right to abortion. The most likely moves regard second trimester abortions. With the frontiers of medical intervention pushing viability ever earlier, although often without regard for consequence or quality of life, seemingly reasonable people find it difficult to argue to with parsing the semantics of abortion. i.e. abortion in the first trimester but not in the second. This criteria, is of course, imbedded in Roe’s vague language about viability. However, reasonable people may differ in their criteria of “viability,” i.e. breathing independently v ventilator, eating alone v nasal gastric tube. The logistics and logic are never as clear as “reasonable” people may believe. And until you face the CHOICE yourself, you have no idea what CHOICE you would make.
CHOICE is a relative term of course. One can only make a CHOICE for example, if aware that there is a CHOICE to be made. I made my CHOICE with all due speed, within a few weeks of becoming aware of my pregnancy, but given the present climate of “compromise” I am all too aware that a woman in a similar situation in the very near future may face NO CHOICE at all.
Or rather the only CHOICE many women may face is where to obtain their illegal abortion, because if the past is any guide to the future, we can be assured that women will still CHOOSE to pursue abortions. The CHOICE we face is whether we return to illegal abortion, killing women in the process.
Because ONE OUT OF THREE women of reproductive age in the United States has had an abortion, I encourage them all to raise their voices, and their vote, to ensure that their CHOICE is still available for women in the future.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
From Prochoice Thankyous
I just stumbled onto your blog. I just spent some time combing through it and I think you're an incredible woman. I love that are so many of us that are strong, and brave and honest and can talk about our thoughts about experiences. The truth is, that's what we need. Honest perspectives, good, bad and ugly. as long as it's all true. That's why I'm inviting you to submit to my blog The goal of my project is to encourage pro-choicers to send their thanks to anyone that makes abortion possible in this world. Lord knows they have to deal with a tremendous amount of shit. It's nice to show them a little appreciation. You can go to my site for more info or examples and of course you're welcome to email me. Let me know what you think.