Number of Entries: Entry Page Time: Visit Length: Browser OS Resolution | 16 10th November 2009 15:00:33 Multiple visits spread over more than one day IE 7.0 WinXP 1024x768 | ![]() | Returning Visits: Location: IP Address: Entry Page: Exit Page: Referring URL: | 0 Washington, District Of Columbia, United States Nccb (national Conference Of Catholic Bi ( [Label IP Address] |
and please know, I am directing EVERYONE I KNOW to write their Representative and Senators to protest the tax exempt status of politically active religious groups.
cake, eating, ring any bells
how about this one Matthew 7:1?
or maybe I have it all wrong, since Cathlolics use birth control and have abortion at rates just about equal to the rates of other religious groups. So if an employee of the NCCB came to the site looking for support, I apologize. Rage on Sister!
Oh, shit -- that means they're reading us, too! Haha, I wonder if it was from that stupid kerfuffle over a provider's essay on second trimester abortion... (Also, certain commenters that never get published and apparently can't read still think that doc was one of us bloggers.) Anyway, this post made me giggle. Thanks for being your snarky self!