Thursday, March 26, 2009

and the silence is still deafening

As Amy Benfer pointed out in recent Slate column, while half of unplanned pregnancies end in abortion, the stories of those women are seldom included. The latest omission occured in this months's issue of Self. While the article title "Single, pregnant and panicked" may resonate with many women, since half of women by the age of 45 will experience an unwanted pregnancy, only women who chose adoption will find their experiences reflected in this analysis. Abortion is mentioned only twice, once as an option suggested by an insensitive male partner, and the other as a near miss, when in a scenario that I am sure has already been snapped up for a movie pitch, a woman planning an abortion calls it off the night before when her older, infertile sister, offers to adopt the fetus.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a piece on my blog Justice Conquering Religion. It is called "Why the Christian Right is Responsible for U.S. Abortions. You are welcome to it. As I am new to BlogTopSites, I will leave you the link to the page. Hope that's okay.


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